Alex Lavallee


About me

Hi, I'm am Alex Lavallee and I am current a student going to Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, WA and I am very interested in computer science. The current languages that I am interested in include C#, TypeScript, Python, and Swift. Some of my favorite technologies with these langauges are Unity, NextJS, Flask, and SwiftUI.

My Projects

  • ContinuousIntegration: A Continuous Integration solution based in docker that can follow a Directed Acyclic Graph of containers to allow for complex multi-stage builds
  • sshca: SSH certificate authority using Typescript and Go to allow secure temporary access to needed servers
  • Lemmios: A SwiftUI app for the social media site Lemmy
  • Lambda: Social media site using NextJS similar to Reddit
  • portfolio: If you've already navigated around a little you might have noticed that this website is featured inside itself
  • iCalParser: Utility to parse iCal files using swift
  • robocol: A typescript library to communicate with FTC robots
  • remoteftc: A web interface to control FTC robots with the option of remote
  • AutomationGame: Game made with Unity similar to Factorio

Custom CI

What is this?

A complete Continuous Integration solution based in docker that can follow a Directed Acyclic Graph of containers to allow for complex multi-stage builds. Has support for github to automatically run build after push and send results back to show test status (See a build of this project). Also supports manual builds from any git repository.

Project Structure

List of built docker containers


Main container that hosts the web app and communicates with the docker daemon to run containers and facilitate the build process


Handles authentication for a docker registry to allow containers to access the correct images that are owned by the same organization as the running container. Also allowes users to access images uploaded from containers


Proxies requests to direct them to the correct container to allow for preview deployments accessable from the web from domains such as

SSHCA Push Publish

An SSH Certificate Authority with a simple web interface and easy-to-use command line tool

Getting Started

Initial Setup

  1. Create .env file in server with SSH_KEY, JWT_PRIVATE, JWT_PUBLIC, DOMAIN, and DATABASE_URL
  2. Build Server
  3. Upload server files to cdn (or local server) of choice
  4. yarn start the server

Client Usage

  1. run go install
  2. Add CertificateFile /tmp/ to ~/.ssh/config
  3. run sshca-client login
  4. SSH into target server

Working locally

  1. git clone
  2. Create .env file in server with SSH_KEY, JWT_PRIVATE, JWT_PUBLIC, DOMAIN, and DATABASE_URL
  3. Install all dependancies (yarn in server and web directories)
  4. Build server yarn build Note: NODE_ENV must be set!
  5. Start server yarn start
  6. Start webserver yarn start
  7. Webserver will be started on port 3000


Download on TestFlight View On Lemmy

A modern Lemmy client for iOS attempting to emulate the ease of use and elegance of Apollo for Reddit.

See Lemmy

Subscribed and home list

Gorgeous post previews

Join the discussion

Find your niche

Whats next?

Lemmios is currently in beta so expect many new features coming soon.

Buy Me A Coffee




What is this?

This is a social media site similar to reddit with the goal of shipping absolutely 0 client-side js

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository locally
  2. run yarn install to install dependancies
  3. create .env file
  4. run next dev

Github Portfolio Generator

What is this?

This is a NextJS app that will automatically generate a portfolio website from any users public github repositories

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository locally
  2. run yarn install to install dependancies
  3. create .env file containing PAT=GITHUB_TOKEN replacing GITHUB_TOKEN with a github personal access token


This is a tool used to parse iCal files with swift


import iCalParser
let cal = try iCalParser.parseIcal(data: """
PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
// Prints "Bastille Day Party"


Javascript library for interacting with FTC robots

Add to your project: npm install robocol

Current Features:

  • [x] Connect To Robot
  • [x] Parse returned telemetry data
  • [x] Run basic commands including initializing and starting opmodes
  • [x] Send gamepad data
  • [ ] Support All Commands (possibility add generic callback?)
  • [ ] Work in browser (Not planned, no current way to send UDP packets)


Log all telemetry data from robot

import { Robot, RobotEvent } from "robocol";

const robot = new Robot();
robot.on(RobotEvent.TELEMETRY, console.log);

Send gamepad data to robot

import { GamepadMessage, Robot } from "robocol";

const allReleased = {
  left_stick_x: 0,
  left_stick_y: 0,
  right_stick_x: 0,
  right_stick_y: 0,
  dpad_up: false,
  dpad_down: false,
  dpad_left: false,
  dpad_right: false,
  a: false,
  b: false,
  x: false,
  y: false,
  guide: false,
  start: false,
  back: false,
  left_bumper: false,
  right_bumper: false,
  left_stick_button: false,
  right_stick_button: false,
  left_trigger: 0,
  right_trigger: 0,
  updatedAt: 0,
const aPressed = { ...allReleased, a: true };

const robot = new Robot();

// Start pressing A every second after initial 0.5 second delay
setTimeout(() => {
  setInterval(() => {
    robot.send(new GamepadMessage(0, aPressed, 1));
  }, 1000);
}, 500);

// Start releasing A every second in order to alternate
setInterval(() => {
  robot.send(new GamepadMessage(0, allReleased, 1));
}, 1000);

Init and run the first opmode found

import { CommandMessage, Robot, RobotCommand, RobotEvent } from "robocol";

const robot = new Robot();

robot.on(RobotEvent.OPMODES_LIST, (list) => {
  const firstName = list[0].name;
    new CommandMessage(
  setTimeout(() => {
      new CommandMessage(
  }, 500);

Remote FTC


This is meant to be a project to help teams that have team members quanatined but still wish to be able to host driver practice remotely. It allows a driver to control the robot remotely, from another location.

How do I use it?

  1. Have the driver either visit this hosted copy or host your own
  2. Have the proxy computer download the .exe from the releases section of github or build your own NOTE: this computer must both be able to access the internet and connect to the robot at the same time. While making this project, we did this by connecting with ethernet to the internet, and connecting with wifi to the robot, though other options may exist.
  3. Have the driver click open the control tab and the proxy open the proxy tab
  4. Have the driver enter the room code that is being shown on the proxy's screen and hit submit
  5. Select an opmode, initialize, and hit start
  6. While driving, use a video calling app for the driver to see the robot. This project does not have a camera view of the robot.

Automation Game


What is this?

This is a autmation game similar to factory in which the player builds a factory bigger and bigger.


  • [x] Create buildings
  • [x] Buildings process items correctly
  • [x] Conveyor belts move items between buildings
  • [ ] Tech tree
  • [ ] Builidngs have cost